UK Site Reveals 92% Increase In Interest On Online Poker
The current period of lockdown across the world has had a profound impact on the casino industry. Many land-based casinos have been forced to close their doors throughout the whole pandemic, which means that revenue in places such as Las Vegas and Macau are at an all-time low. However, establishments in Vegas are now beginning to come out of the other side with doors beginning to open again.
However, gamblers throughout this whole period have been able to get their poker fix through the world of online poker. The industry has been one of the few that have been able to maintain their growth throughout the pandemic. Furthermore, one UK site has now revealed that they have seen a 92% increase in interest on their online poker website.
Interest In Online Poker Through The Roof
The interest in the United Kingdom has sky-rocketed during the pandemic, with searches on Giogle for the best poker hands and poker rules having risen from 87% to 282%. It would seem that more players are intrigued by the world of online poker during this period, as much of the country is beig forced to spend the majority of their time in doors. As well as an increase in searches on those terms, research also found that searches looking for how to play poker have increased 200%. Also, Texas Hold’em has seen a rise in 292% since the lockdown period began in the UK.
The research was carried out by GGPoker, and no doubt indicates that the popularity of the game in the UK is reaching an unprecedented level. All of the results were found over the previous three months, and it will be interesting to see whether the popularity will be maintained once the lockdown is lifted. The online poker industry will continue to flourish for at least the next two months in the UK, with Boris Johnson admitting that casinos are unlikely to open until at least July at the earliest.
What To Look Out For When Signing Up To Online Poker
You can see a selection of the best places to play online poker on this website. But, there are a number of considerations that must be thought about before signing up to a site. The biggest aspect that players must consider is the games that they will be able to play. There would be no point signing up for an account at a casino that doesn’t offer the range of titles that you expect. There should also be an enticing welcome offer to ensure that players are rewarded for signing up with the relevant casino.
Of course, security is of the paramount importance too. The casinos that have been reviewed on this website all hold established licenses. Customer service is also something that all players would be interested to know, as sometimes players can encounter problems. The industry-leading sites all have numerous channels of communication; including a live chat, which will see players get answers within minutes.