No great news coverage ever comes without commitment and dedication. MoneyPokerSites News follows in that formula of success by bringing you the latest and most spot-on coverage from the world of poker.
We provide you with insight, breaking news and authentic coverage that helps you understand the game, its variations, history and evolution.
Employing a staff of highly-trained analysts and experts with years of experience in poker, we relay the facts in the most accurate and entertaining way possible.
Our service is committed to adding value to our readers and in doing so, we paint the context of each individual event we report on. This is what makes our news coverage of particular interest to our readership.
Whether you are a poker pro or a rookie, or perhaps someone who’s wondering whether poker can be fun and meaningful, you will find our texts appealing to you. We bring international coverage thanks to the globe-trotters whom we employ as staff writers.
We have experts who understand the game as a cultural phenomenon and others who dive deep to follow the legal developments around poker in various important legislations around the world.
Presently, we have a dedicated team following closely what’s happening in the United States, as we believe the market’s unrealized potential should be pursued further. Similarly, we’re aware of other important markets, such as India and Asia, giving our editorial team a true global outreach.
Looking for your daily news dose from the world of poker? You’ve come to the right place.
MoneyPokerSites LLC,
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POC: Nicola E Hayward
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POC: Alexander Palmer
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POC: Georgina Ramos
Editorial Team
Tomas Medon
Tomas is quite the poker enthusiast having played and watched the game for over a decade now. His passion for writing has been well-combined with his insight into the industry’s latest developments. Tomas is a vigorous and unflagging member of our team, always ready to discuss the latest improvements in the sector, from Virtual Reality (VR) to using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to teach people poker, you will be in no shortage of talking points when you meet Tomas. Incidentally, Tomas is quite passionate about teaching people poker, so he will be bringing the occasional in-depth strategy piece.
Nicola E Hayward
Nicola is the right woman for the job. As our content editor, she’s quite the outstanding fellow writer. Her expertise might be language, but her true passion is poker. When not dabbling in literature, Nicola is bringing our content up to the desired standard and teaching others how to write informative and reader-friendly pieces. Nicola is also often interested in understanding the minds of poker players, so you’ll catch her reading up on the latest biographies, strategies, and actively contributing to various discussions.
Georgina Ramos
A real person of the world, Georgina loves new technology. How technology meets poker is Georgina’s mission in life to tell her readers. She’s also involved with other sectors of the industry, paying close attention to how the blockchain technology is offering fresh opportunities for poker and players to play quicker and safer than before. Georgina is also quite liberal in her views and she follows closely the developments in the industry on a legal level.
Alexander Palmer
Alex is really idealistic about poker and the industry. He believes that everyone who wants to be a pro can become one. He’s also very passionate about teaching people how to play the game, what the best strategies are and ultimately how to balance between other meaningful activities and poker. You can say that Alex is a bit of life-and-poker guru, and it’s this inherent charm of his that makes him such an important member of our team.
Elaine West
Elaine is here to highlight the importance of laws that governor poker and related industries. She will meticulously study the slightest changes in the landscape from the world over and duly report on this. Her attitude is one of utmost determination, allowing her to get to the facts and present readers with informative and definitive pieces that have immense value. We are proud to have Elaine as part of the team for it’s her who really helps us spot trends and focus our coverage accordingly.
George Hansen
George has a flair for poker. From an earliest age he’s been interested in strategy games. Starting out with chess, he later on moved to the world’s most popular card game. Today, he’s busying himself with defining new strategies and exploring new variants of poker, and ultimately producing exciting pieces of text to read. Whether you are a professional yourself or a rookie picking up the ropes of the game, you will find George’s polished writing to be spot-on and carry a great entertainment value.