Virtue Poker Planning Token Sale
We are all asking what is bitcoin and why do we care when it is confusing. Part of the answer may come from Virtue Poker. The online casino site is backing ConsenSys and has plans to sell tokens in April. The company will also set Phase 2 Alpha and Beta launches for sometime in quarter four of 2018.
Why does this sale matter? For most people, it might not, considering some of the hiccups that are surrounding the concept. But, the one thing that is becoming clearer is that most casinos and online poker sites are striving to make Bitcoin the only currency in existence. Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, also said the first cryptocurrency would someday be the only way to pay.
What Virtue Poker wants to do is hold a token sale, but it is not solely based on Bitcoin. The Virtue Poker token sale is the next step for a company that has seen stopping points before with regards to cryptocurrency and such things as the Initial Coin Offering or ICO.
In May 2015, Virtue Poker was going to announce and partake in an ICO for the company’s Virtue Player Points, but the team behind the concept put a halt on it.
The spokesperson said they halted the ICO because they wanted to see how the token or coin market was going to go. For those who follow ICO’s, it is important to mention that 2017 was a big year for them.
ICO Future Bleak
Statistics of ICOs in 2017 is showing that the ones started in the early years are not around anymore. In fact, about 46% of the ICOs are among the relics of technology, in good company with VHS players. Think about how companies raised over $104 million and yet the ICOs failed.
Virtue Poker was right to hold out and not join in the token market in 2015, but are they looking at a better position now, especially, upon learning that Bitcoin may be the only way payments will be made in the future? ConsenSys and Virtue Poker seem to think it is the right time to move with their blockchain selling Virtue Player Points using an Ethereum blockchain.
However, Twitter mogul might disagree given that Ethereum is not the currency that will be winning against the cryptocurrencies of the world. The future will show if digital currency wins and if more than Bitcoin will reign.